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Introduction to E-business Testing: Amateur’s Guide to E-Commerce Testing

e-commerce Testing

e-commerce Testing

What is E-business/E-commerce?

E-business (electronic business) is a term derived from such terms as e-mail and e-commerce and referring to the conducting of business on the Internet, including not only buying and selling but servicing customers and collaborating with business partners. Owing to the huge volumes of transactions occurring through electronic media, e-business testing has gained significant momentum in past few years. One of the biggest concerns of most e-businesses is that many website related risks are outside their control. For instance, almost 70% of online consumers report that websites take too long to download and more than half said that a site crashed before they could complete a purchase. Further, 20% of consumers had difficulty getting sites to accept their credit cards. Consequently, e-commerce testers have a great responsibility to ensure websites are functional at all times and avoid loss of business.

Typically, the following issues can arise in e-commerce testing:

E-commerce Testing Considerations

Here are some broad issues to consider when formulating an e-business test strategy. If testing is to keep pace with development, one needs to squeeze the testing into the development and release cycle.

Configurations-One of the challenges to e-business testers is configuration testing. The number of configurations you can test is limited, so you should consider who your users are and what technologies they might be using. Further, prioritization of these combinations (most likely by their popularity) will help you to maximize the number of users covered and minimize the number of users who might be adversely affected by configuration issues.

You must propose a scope for the testing, estimate the potential cost, and review that data with the stakeholders, management, and technical experts in the project. This will help to force a decision as to what will actually be supported, which may be much less than previously envisaged by management. If you are going to test many of the browsers and versions, you will be committed to doing an awful lot of regression testing.

Developer Testing-Consider asking the developers to use a variety of browsers for their testing, rather than only using the company’s chosen browser. This might help flush out compatibility issues across different browser types. You may be able to reduce or eliminate later configuration testing. There are various types of techniques such as pair programming, continuous automated testing and permanently maintained regression tests that combine to improve the development test process.

Consider Using Test Drivers– Test drivers are small, simple programs that accept test data, construct the call to the server-based code, execute the test transactions, and store the results for later evaluation. In terms of user interfaces, web applications are often relatively simple compared with traditional client/server or mainframe-based systems. Where the web is being used as a front-end to existing legacy systems, the testing of the back-end systems is as complicated as ever. The user interface of web applications is sometimes the very last thing to be developed and the integration of automated tools with browser-based applications is not always perfect, so consider using test drivers to execute functional tests of server-based code.

Web Conventions and Accessibility– A website must be accessible to people with disabilities. There are various accessibility guidelines presented by global authorities that are intended for web page authors as well as developers of authoring tools. Following the guidelines will, however, make Web content more accessible to all users, whatever user agent they are using. Accessibility guidelines cover all user agents from desktop browsers, voice browsers, mobile phones to automobile-based personal computers and the like, as well as the environmental constraints users might experience (e.g., noisy surroundings, hands-free environments etc.). The Web conventions that the guidelines promote will help people find information on the Web more quickly in addition to making Web sites more usable.

Testing Priorities in E-commerce testing

An interesting aspect of the e-business project is its extreme pace. In mature companies trying to establish a Web presence, the existing IT department may be responsible for the development and may follow its standard, staged development and test process. If you are working in a start-up environment where speed to market is the first priority, you may have to squeeze testing into a few days or even a few hours. Release cycles may occur daily. How can the traditional test process be fitted into this kind of schedule?

Clearly, The software tester should be ready for adopting the test practices which complement both the varying scenarios. Test types that fall into the smoke testing category are typically automated and should entail the minimum number of tests to address the maximum number of risks in the shortest time. The tests that fall into the functionality testing are typically the most expensive and time-consuming to implement and execute. The various types of tests and when they can be used is given below.





Stages of E-commerce Testing

Lastly, it is also important to look at various stages of e-commerce testing that a tester goes through in a typical e-business software development life cycle. Test types do not ideally fit into the traditional unit, integration, system and acceptance test stages. So, the following structure provides test stages that categorize the test types in a technical way-

Post-deployment Monitoring

Post-deployment monitoring is generally carried out after implementation within a highly productive environment. The reason behind including this within the test strategy can be that the production of the e-business sites may fail. However, it can be that your potential customers would not inform you. Moreover, site performance degradation might not be noticeable on a daily basis, but the statistics derived using tools can offer early warnings about the performance issues when there’s still a good time for recovering the situation.

Ideally, the following can be considered for post-deployment monitoring:

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