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Top UI Test Automation Practices

Top UI Test Automation Practices

When you want to perform UI test automation, there are endless possibilities. You can choose from a variety of approaches and techniques to carry out the automation. There are many frameworks, tools and different ways of writing code. So, you can choose the methods and approach that is best suitable for you. But, sometimes such vast possibilities can turn out to be a problem and confusing as what to choose and what not to. You must keep your testing simple yet effective by choosing below methods:

1. Perform Assertion

You should consider breaking the test and also give an immediate response. You must be responsive as soon as the test fails and unable to perform other functions.

2. Verification

You must verify the test to check its continuity. You must also execute other commands even if the test gives fail result. You must also decide which one to use which depends upon various cases.

3. Take Screenshots and Logs

You can take screenshots and logs from HTML sources. It will help the investigation easily. You can also check quickly whenever something goes wrong. You will have to create a Watcher or Listener kind of thing for your tests to make it easier. You can also use XML configuration and extends TestListner while carrying out the testing.

Also Read: A Complete Guide to Dos and Don’ts of Test Automation

4. Create Your Methods

Each test can be performed differently with a different approach. So, you will have to keep in mind different methods to proceed. You can make your own set of methods to carry out UI testing. Speeding up the code is necessary. With it, you can also reuse repeatable codes like “click on this and wait for that.” So, in this way you can create a method that will click on something and then wait for something else. You can invoke this method whenever you need. These types of methods are also known as click and wait for actions. You can also improve your test using different commands. You can add verification to check the availability of a system. This must be done before clicking on it.

5. Web Elements Location Strategy

To efficiently test UI, you must use web elements like name, id, path, link text, and some dynamic elements. Using name or id makes the test easy, efficient and also increases the performance and readability. XPath is sometimes slow, but it is the only way to get an object. It proves to be the best option when you need to ensure the appearance of objects simultaneously. Link texts take care of the frequent changes in the text and also is an efficient and yield high performance. Use of dynamic elements must be used for mapping.

6. Wait

You must have some perseverance while performing tests. You should not use threads because it may create problems and increase run time. If you use Wait or FluentWait, you can get a more robust and deterministic approach. In case the elements do found, it will help.

7. Perform UI Mapping

It is an efficient way to carry out the UI Test Automation practice. Mapping the user interface creates and performs automated testing, and this is efficient to manage also. In this way, you can have all the information stored and organized. The information is available at one place where it is easy for you to access them. In case anything changes in HTML or front end, you can update a single file to manage your tests easily. To perform UI mapping, there are different ways available. You can create a class or structure to store the name of the element with its locators or ID. You can also create a class or structure to store a property file with key or value pairs.

Also Read: Common Test Automation Mistakes And Solutions

8. Testing Must Be Data Driven

Your UI Test automation must be test driven to ensure checking different scenarios without changing code. You can use the same test with different inputs during the test so that you can efficiency check the functionalities and performance during different cases.

9. Test Design Pattern

You can also use the test design pattern or page object designer pattern to carry out UI test automation. It is an object-oriented class which serves as an interface. With the use of designs, patterns enhance test maintenance and also reduce code duplication. You must make assertions and verification for Page Objects. You need a single verification system which must be within the page object. It is done to verify the page and also to ensure loading of critical elements on the page. The page object is used to represent components on the page.

10. Refrain From Using A Specific Driver

For UI test automation, do not use a specific driver. With the use of parameter notes, you will easily handle several browser types. You can also prepare your test for cross-browser and parallel execution. You can also parameters with XML configuration to increase the efficiency of your testing.

Hence, you can implement these methods for your test automation which will bring positive results on your testing workflow.

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