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How To Improve Test Automation Effectiveness And ROI For Your Business?

Automation RoI

Automation RoI

Test automation has always been given a greater preference in QA analysis. The set of benefits that test automation carries with itself is huge and appreciable. It enhances productivity and relieves developers from the extra burden and tedious work. However, many businesses are unaware of the procedures that could get them the expected success and ROI with test automation.

So, let’s go ahead and discuss the strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of test automation.

Tactics for enhancing test automation effectiveness

Make the right selection of test cases for automating

Businesses need to identify the test cases for automating rightly. This step is essential and holds a core value. Some ideal cases for test automation can be-

Never automate everything

Automating everything would do no good but increase the cost and efforts. Moreover, in certain scenarios manual testing is advisable for better outcomes.

Test process

Prior to carrying out test automation, it is advisable to prepare the execution process. This will help in allocating suitable resources for identifying possible risks early.

Generate stable tests

Usually, test scripts tend to change according to UI changes. For this reason, these test scripts fail to work properly for the application’s successive versions. Hence, the test scripts generated should remain stable in accordance with UI changes.

Review the tests

It is advisable to review the test cases as well as test data at regular intervals. This helps in eliminating outdated tests which are of no value in the present test requirements.

Adhering to and following these simple tactics can help businesses in effectively enhancing test automation outcomes and ROI.

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